Our Services

We are communication partners of ambitious companies, who believe in the worth of their image, able to innovate in their industry, in Italy and around the world. We are organized into four business units.

We provide specialized know-how while keeping an integrated vision. We always start from an analysis of the client's goals and strengths, to develop evolved and cross-cutting plans together, allowing us to improve the reputation of the company and its management, to enhance products and industrial projects, to change the market positioning and to better deal with special moments: all always taking into account the needs of each stakeholder, both external and internal.

We help to plan investments and develop contents and campaigns consistent with communication and business targets.

Strategic Communications

We stand by our Clients in designing integrated communication plans to improve reputation and awareness with actions targeted to all stakeholders, defining and coordinating positioning, messages and channels, online and offline.


We provide Clients access to our network of relationships with all national, generalist and vertical media to valorize their image, their products and their management: we range from corporate and financial to lifestyle and consumer communications.


Digital is central in communication activities. We aim to support our Clients in both strategic and operational dimensions, from strategy and storytelling to social media management and media buying.


We stand by our Clients in designing the best communication strategy towards public decision makers, aimed to represent goals and projects, based on suitable scenario analysis, regulatory developments and risks.


We develop strategies for our Clients to enhance the reputation and media presence, online and traditional, of their voice and the voice of their top management: we identify the most suitable speaking platforms and work to enhance the network of institutional relations.

Advertising and Contents

We create cross-media creative campaigns that can best highlight positioning and products while also bringing out our Clients' winning "weapons." We have in-house all the capabilties to create the content needed to achieve communication goals.

Financial Communication

We care for our Customers' financial communication with the Highest Standards of Quality and Confidentiality to effectively convey valuable information to the market.


We protect the reputation of our Clients and their management by working on the preparedness and training of people as well, through crisis analysis, simulations and an effective procedures' design.


We curate the acquisition of the digital spaces for cross-media ADV campaigns, programmatic and reservation, and content marketing, branded and unbranded.


We merge internal and external communication, online and offline tools, to promote among employees the spread and sharing of corporate purpose.


We design and implement integrated strategies to reach stakeholders on all key social media channels: we create editorial plans by enhancing and provide a tailored team with expertise in content creation as well.


We oversee the strategic and visual development of distinctive brands, consistent with the market positioning and in line with our Clients' goals and communication channels.

Seo, Analytics,

We design and implement solutions for organic traffic growth and performance measurement for a data-driven digital communication


We oversee the design and implementation of effective ESG and impact investing strategies that can position companies on the right side of change.


We put all the most advanced Web3 technologies (VR, XR, Blockchain, NFT, artificial intelligence) at the service of creating innovative content for cutting-edge companies.


We develop strategies and digital content with a journalistic feel, capable of conveying our Clients' purpose.

Relations with the Territories

We support our Clients in relations with their target territories to improve their reputation, to reduce crisis risks, and to promote consensus on projects and goals.


We support our Clients in special situations related to extraordinary financial, industrial or market transactions (e.g. IPOs, M&A, restructuring, management turnover) or even transitions (green, digital, generational).

Strategic communications
Our efforts for Leonardo included developing a rebranding project, building a new website and accompanying company management on new internal and external communication fronts, with a particular focus on digital content, SEO strategy and the creation of formats designed for both media and employees (employer branding)
Enel X
Contenuti Un-Brandend
Enel X
We contribute to content creation and spreading. We contribute to the development of communities supporting Enel X in the evolution of electric mobility. We collaborate with Vaielettrico of which we are co-founder and with a network of influencers to help promote correct information by countering fake news.
Banca Generali
Creazione Canali Social
Banca Generali
We oversaw the opening of Banca Generali's social channels by defining their communication strategy, editorial plan and operationally creating the content needed to implement the plan
Europ Assistance
Personal Branding
Europ Assistance
For Europ Assistance we take care of media relations, personal branding activities of top management, but also sustainability promotion initiatives and content creation
Media relations e Report di sostenibilità
Axpo Italia e Pulsee
We are supporting the Axpo group in Italy through a phase of great change for the energy sector. For the company we take care of corporate media relations but also the realization of the annual sustainability report, built around the concept of the 3Ps (People, Planet, Prosperity). We followed the launch of the consumer brand Pulsee for which we realize the Pulsee Energy Index observatory on Italians' energy habits
Social Media
ICE-CDP G20 Innovation League
On the occasion of the G20 Innovation League in 2021, an international event in which the best G20 startups were awarded, we collaborated with the organizers (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Institute for Foreign Trade and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti) by taking care of the opening of social channels in the months leading up to the event and the management up to the days of the event itself. We ensured live coverage of the event during the two days with a dedicated director and of the care of media relations at the global level coordinating the 100 startups and achieving wide coverage at the G20 level
Aeronautica Militare
Media buying - Influencer marketing - Brand identity
Italian Air force
We are involved in the project for the Centenary of the Italian Air Force in 2023 for which we created online and offline campaigns with a roadmap of events related to the anniversary. We defined a media and influencer marketing strategy and supported the team in the brand identity revision process.
Directa Plus
Media relations
Directa Plus
Directa Plus is the Italian company based in Lomazzo (Como), among the world leaders in the production of graphene-based solutions. We take care of corporate and consumer media relations activities with a multidisciplinary team fine-tuned to meet the needs of a strategic sector such as nanotechnology, which finds applications from the energy sector to mobility via fashion and construction.
Native advertising
We took care of the group's media relations activity in Italy flanking it with a content production and amplification activity. We successfully managed the Galaxy Note 7 crisis, which ended up in the news for repeated cases of battery explosion, even in flight. We made video productions and designed events such as "WOW - Wide Opportunities World" the annual Business Summit of Samsung Italy, involving opinion leaders, 50+ journalists, government representatives, public administration and entrepreneurs.
Strategc communications
Rai Way
For Rai Way we oversaw the development of the communication strategy, working together with the company's top management to identify the messages and narrative strands with which to tell the story of the company. We oversaw media relations, internal communication and personal branding of the CEO
Native Advertising
We supported Nexi in launching the Plug&Play Fintech Hub in Milan, an innovation district of which Nexi is a founding partner. We also supported the company in the new Open Banking paradigm by curating the Nexi Open project aimed at bringing together startups and lending institutions to create services for customers from an open innnovation perspective.

Our Projects

Contact us

we are here to make a customized proposal

    Strategic communications
    Il nostro impegno per Leonardo ha visto lo sviluppo di un progetto di rebranding, con la costruzione di un nuovo sito internet e l'accompagnamento del management aziendale su nuovi fronti di comunicazione interna ed esterna, con particolare focus sui contenuti digitali, la strategia SEO e la creazione di format studiati sia per i media che per i dipendenti (employer branding)
    Banca Generali
    Creazione Canali Social
    Banca Generali
    Abbiamo curato l’apertura dei canali social di Banca Generali definendone la strategia di comunicazione, il piano editoriale e realizzando operativamente i contenuti necessari per implementare il piano stesso
    Enel X
    Content strategy and community engagement
    Enel X
    Contribuiamo alla produzione e curiamo l’amplificazione di contenuti. Partecipiamo allo sviluppo di communities accompagnando Enel X nell’evoluzione della mobilità elettrica. Collaboriamo con Vaielettrico di cui siamo co-founder e con una rete di influencer per aiutare a promuovere un’informazione corretta contrastando le fake news.

    About us


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    20145 Milano

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